Terms often used in reference to Bettas that a whole lot of people don't always understand

Double tail
Double tail refers to what looks like a split in the caudal fin of the fish. It is accompanied by a doubly wide dorsal fin. The trait is simple mendelian recessive.
The halfmoon betta is a recent discovery. The fish are characterized by:
These are individuals with light body coloration and colored fins.Pic
Too Stupid Too Breed. Generally refers to a betta's complete disinterest in breeding.
Too stupid too live. A Betta that jumps out of it's jar/tank or refuses to eat etc.
Baby Brine Shrimp
Refers to the hatchlings of Artemia- a.k.a. Sea monkeys. They are usually the staple of a baby betta's diet.

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Last Modified November 16,1997
Page designed and maintained by Sarah Kinder