Sabregirl's Killer Instinct Page

Hello and Welcome to my Killer Instinct Page. Killer instinct is most probably the best fighting game on the market at the presnt time. This is mostly because of the combo sytem. KI has a lot of depth to the gameplay that is simply not found in many other games.Simple button mashing will get you nowhwere in KI.

Another announcement! I hvae acquired two copies of KI so I am willing to sell one of them to anyone who makes me a good offer for it Barring that it's going to e-bay.

Here's some fun stuff to do with KI gold

My two favorite characters are Sabrewulf and Riptor. One of the reasons I like Sabrewulf so much is rather trivial one but it makes game play more interesting. That is the ability to ' express' yourself through a nice Sabre howl. It really adds to a combo when you can taunt your opponent while he/she is down. Or to trick your opponent into a a stupid mistake(this is really easy to do against the computer in KI Gold) I just found out that this will work well on KI for the SNES against Eyedol it's rather fun to send him sprawling two or three times in a row.

I'm also hoping beyond hope that Rare will someday come out with another KI. We at least have to have a trilogy right?

In the meantime visit Rare's site and hve some laughs with Uncle Tusk. Glitches I have known.

Here are some links to some other KI pages

The KI Web

This is really cool

Lots of info for KI here

Well, for right now I'll put Sabrewulf here.

I finally beat the training mode. Unfortunately I was trying to input the see the credits code and accidentaly did the all colors code.
The KI WEB RING is owned by HYPER BOY.
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