Sentient Life Forms: Pharlans

Basic Biology

Basic statistics


Pharlans appear to be, at first glance, a combination of humans and birds. Neither is true as they are completely unique from any terran species and from anyother group of animals on their own home planet. Except for the chest area, they are nearly completely covered with feather-like scales and scales. On t he head there are true feathers. Their pointed cat-like ears sit on top of their heads, affording excellent hearing. Each of the five fingers and three toes has a sharp curving talon. Those on the fingers are flattened laterally and serrated, while those on the thumb and toes are rounded. The eyes are proportionately slightly larger than those of humans and near the eye is the accessory nasal passage which is used to increase airflow when flying and especially in high speed dives. Scales cover the upper surface of the nose. They have a short bird-like tail which increases their maneuverability in flight considerably.


Pharlans are the toughest and most resilient creatures imaginable. This is mostly because of their habit of hunting Steelhide But also, The Pharlans tell stories of their survival of a great cataclysm when their planet was extremely hostile. Whatever the reason, Pharlans are built to endure. They are extremely strong while also being light weight. Their bones, feathers, skin and scales are made of the toughest materials known on Rona and much tougher than anything known on earth. They are only vulnerable in their chest area where the skin is quite soft. Because of this vulnerability they also have an excellent ability to heal. When injured they can heal so well that, if examined after the injury has healed one could not tell that an injury had occurred. Tremendous amounts of damage can be recovered from thanks in part to their 'second nature'. They have an alternate system of life support that requires no food intake or oxygen usage. Any form of energy can be absorbed through specialized cells in the skin, scales and feathers. This is converted to electricity and stored in chemical form in a specialized organ. When needed is converted back to electricity and is transmitted through the nerve tissue to each and every cell of the body where it is utilized directly.

Life Span and Reproduction

Pharlans are extremely long lived creatures.Two thousand years is the average life span but some are longer and some are shorter. They grow continuosly throughout their lives, at frist in size and then in strength. They do not age as we do but gain strength throughout their lives. A Pharlan is strongest on the day he dies than any other time in his life. Death to a Pharlan is not a sorrowful time but, a time of r ejoicing as the individual must complete his growth in the spriritual plane because his body cannot grow fast enough to keep up with him. This process is showcased in the glorious death ceremonies.

Sexual dimorphism is quite subtle in Pharlans. Males and Females are similar in size and strength with males being slightly shorter and stockier with emales being taller and thinner. Sexual maturity is reached around 250 years of age while approximate full size is reached around thirty. Pharlans pair off at around 300 to 400 years of age. The young are hatched from relatively small eggs that are expandable and grow in size by absorbing solar radiation and energy from the parents. When a pharlan first hatches it is dependent on energy alone to sustain it. Within 24-36 hours it will be able to digest food and obtain energy from it but until that time the parents must consume large quantities of food to convert into energy for the hatchling.


Pharlans have extrordinary senses. Their eyesight is similar to that of an eagle but Pharlans have better color vision. Hearing is also extremely acute and Pharlans have a much wider range of wavelength sensitivity. The sense of smell may surpass even that of the domestic dog. They also have an accessory sense which consists of specialized cells in the cheek area which can detect the minute electro-magnetic fields that all living creatures produce.


Family Life

Pharlan society is based around the nuclear family. Males and Females stay together for life and raise their children. They live in territories that are marked with scent exuded from their footpads. These territories can vary in size tremendously depending on the productivity of the particular region. They do not build dwellings as humans do but usually live in the tops of King Trees, redwoods or other large trees and sometimes caves and rock cliffs located near the center of the territory. Territorial ownership is determined by ritual combat. They engage in sword fights to determine land ownership. These are fairly infrequent however as there are usually plenty of territorial openings. Real fights only occur when Phrlans try to improve status by finding a territory of higher / lower quality. Unmated Pharlans are judged to be good potential mates in part by their valuable hunting skills. The greatest hunters are considered to be those that can survive in a small and relatively unproductive territory. Both males and females engage in this quest for status. Once mated however the attitude changes toward finding a better territory to support a family.

Society at Large

Pharlan society does not disturb the land nor do they build what we would call cities. Centers of technological development are usually in deep underground facilities so as t o not disturb the wildlife on which the Pharlans subsist. By tradition and law all Pharlans must hunt to live. Domestication of animals is forbidden as is the selling of meat. Young Pharlans are educated early about hunting and fighting by their parents. They are also schooled formally in the sciences, art and literature. Besides the weekly hunts most Pharlans also have a 'Job' sometimes as a soldier, scientist, artisan or teacher. These are what earn money for other things other than food such as education, technological items and of course taxes. Large planetary gatherings and festivals serve as a means of uniting a widely scattered population. Some of these include
Nectar festival
The nectar festival is centered around the annual flowering of the gigantic King Trees. These trees must be cross-pollinated to produce fruit. So every year during this time, the territorial boundaries are not enforced and much visiting is done by extended family members and friends. The Pharlans fly far and wide sipping the nectar from different trees to ensure the festival at the end of the year -Gungaden
The king tee is a very large tree. It can be up to 500 ft in height and can be tens of thousands of years old. It's life and reproduction are closely intertwined with that of the Pharlans.
At right is the flower of the king tree. It produces a glowing light that attracts Pharlans as well as a sweet scent.
Festival of combat
This festival is the culmination of a tournament of sword fighters from around the planet and also from several friendly neighboring worlds. The festival is accompanied by much feasting and especially sky dancing.
The Festival of Unity
In this festival the Pharlans gather together on the Island of Icona. They use their abilities to absorb and transmit electricity to exchange thoughts and feelings. They all hold hands and engage in a rit e of unity where each member is connected to the other. This festival is accompanied by much feasting and sometimes death and hatching rituals .
This festival is started by the ripenin g of the fruit of the king trees. Extended families get together and share the fruit of the trees as well as the fruits of the hunt. This holiday is similar to Thanksgiving in America.


Pha rlans have a ruling council of 100 individuals who make decisions for the country. These are elected every five years or so. Meetings are held in a large natural ca vern that can be acessed only fom underwater. It is called the Hall of Waters. The pharlans also have a king. The sucession follows patriarchal lines. The king serve s as a judge over the people and as leader of the armed forces.

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