
The Birds are also a very sucessful group on Rona. In addition to earth-like birds there are also those that have 3 pairs of legs instead of two. This usually includes four legs and a pair of wings. There is also a group that has no wings at a ll but has only four legs. The Inji is a representative of the latter category.


Height: 3 in
Le ngth: 6in
Weight: 6 oz
The inji is a rodent-like bird that lives in tunnels. It feeds on the fruits and roots of the Hyperia plant which makes up the bulk of the savannah plant life. It is a favorite prey of many species including the Cymeadiah and the Lora. By feeding on the fruits of the Hyperia plant, the Inji is an important seed distributor an integral component of the Savannah ecosystem.

The Four Winged Eagle

Height: 5ft
Wingspan: 8ft
Four Winged EagleThe four winged eagle is a predator/scavenger of many environments. It's large size allows it to take down large prey or take over the kills of other predators. It is highly regarded by the Pharlans. They use it's likeness as a symbol in their government and military.