If you've come here that means you are either stuck or just plain lazy! Beware you may ruin the game for yourself if you look beyond.
List of Secret Seashell Locations
I don't think I can list all of these from memory but I should have them all soon
In the big group of bushes just above the game area.
In one of the trees in the Ukuku Prarie(Run into it with the pegasus
Dig in an area framed by patches of grass. One near the
graveyard(after you cut down a bush) Note! If you take Bow-wow there,
he'll tell
you to " Woof Dig! ruff"
another spot you should dig in that's framed by grass on a
plateau in the plains area.
Under a rock in the south central area near the passageway to Animal
Under a rock on a hill in the southernmost part of the desert.
In a treasure chest in the Mysterious wood
In a bush on a little bit of screen where you can see the mermaid
How to defeat the nightmares in the egg
You might be very frustrated at the beginning of this battle because it looks like you can't hurt the nightmares
with any weapon but try the magic powder and you'll start to make a dent.
The guy that shoots different beams at you should be easy if you've played A Link to the Past but if not you need to
deflect the beams back to him by holding out your sword and letting it spin to deflect them back.
The ganon-ish looking nighmare must be attacked by running at him with your sword drawn. The very last nightmare is the most difficult.
With the swinging arems and flashing spiky things at the ends. You have to shoot him in the eyes with the arrow.
Keep it moving by running up to a corner to give you more room then run down to the bottom and nail it
when it comes back down.
Tips on the bird dungeon
To get to the end guy you have to break down the three pillars with the metal ball you find in one of the rooms. You have to throw it at the pillars to break them down and the last one is quite difficult to get to.
Also to beat the little skull guy you have to kill all of his birds at one time. If they go off the screen before you've killed them then you have to start over and try to kill them again.
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